3.5 stars. I was really excited to read this book - I love the cover and the premise sounded intriguing. Of course, I got a copy and it then sat on my shelf for months! Luckily, it was voted as our book club read for "boarding school" reads. Overall, I liked the story, but there were some things I had issues with:
1) I didn't feel like it had that quintessential boarding school vibe. I wanted to know more about the school and its history and traditions.
2) The character of Duncan felt like a prop to me. I felt like I got to know so much about Tim, but Duncan's parts seemed very dull in comparison, which made me dislike the way his story ended - it felt too tidy.
3) The build up of Tim's story was excellent...and I felt like the climax was rushed. After spending 3/4 (or more) of the book building up to that moment (and wondering the whole time what it would be), I wanted more description and emotion and, well, everything.
4) I could have used more info on the actual Tragedy Paper. It felt like this big ominous THING that was never fully described. I know Tim's story is supposed to be a paper in itself, but I felt the intellectual aspects of the Paper were put out there and never fully supported. Maybe seeing more of Duncan's life (going to class, etc.) would have strengthened that for me.